[Productiehuis] Productiehuis questions/heads-up/etc

Andreas Sikkema ramdyne at gmx.net
Mon Feb 15 19:55:08 CET 2021


Here are a few points that we, as Productiehuis, would like to talk to
you about.

- Currently I am assuming we will create a Youtube channel to also
release video next to media.ccc.de. Do we want to allow comments? What
do we do about abusive comments? I don't need an answer now or soon,
just before the event works for us.

- It looks like Productiehuis has also taken up the Signal angel role.
We all don't have much experience with this role, apart from supplying
a microphone/table/chair and ethernet cable. Is there already a Herald

- We would like to send the following markdown-formatted checklist (or
an amended/improved/rewritten version) to speakers once a talk has
been accepted, the sooner the better.

If you have any topics you would like to discuss with Productiehuis,
please don't hesitate to contact us!


# Audio/Video/on-stage checklist

## Slides
* [ ] are in 16:9 format (aspect ratio)
* [ ] font is large enough for far-away screens (also really important
for console output)
* [ ] contain only artwork/audio/video licensed in such a way they can
be shown on stage, streamed and recorded in a CC-BY licensed format.
This means that popular cartoons, memes and other non [CC-BY]
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) (compatible) content
can't be used.

## On stage
* [ ] 1-2 speakers
* [ ] no audio, or audio using headphone jack from laptop or another device
* [ ] just slides and/or video
* [ ] power supply for laptop connected and used
* [ ] doesn't need a converter to HDMI or bringing my own converter to
HDMI (and computer capable of providing 1920x1080 FullHD resolution)

## Recording
* [ ] decided whether the presentation should be recorded/streamed
* [ ] agree that the recording will be made available under [CC-BY]
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) license

If you were not able to check all items above or have additional
questions/requirements please add make them known as early as
possible. Some items only require a heads-up, others may need a lot of

Additional requirements could be (but not limited to):
* Close-up camera on stage (subject to scheduling constraints)
* More than 2 speakers
* Live video conference
* Special audio/video devices
* High current (voltage?) equipment on stage (anything above a few amps @ 230V)
* Live experiments
* Live demos

And again, please make sure to comply with the license on the artwork
you are planning to use in your presentation. Don't forget to use only
artwork with a license that is compatible with the [CC-BY]
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) license.

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